1. Use object oriented programming concepts to solve real world problems. 

2. Demonstrate the user defined exceptions by exception handling keywords (try, catch, throw, throws and finally). 

3. Use multithreading concepts to develop inter process communication. 

4. Develop java application to interact with database by using relevant software component (JDBC Driver). 

5. Solve real world problems using Collections. 


The course should enable the students to:  

1. Analyze basic components and understand the Architecture and organization of a computer  

2. Demonstrate key skills of constructing cost-effective computer systems  

3. Apply register transfer and micro programmed control operations.  

4. Analyze memory and I/O systems.   


At the end of the course students will be able to:  

1. Identify various components of computer and their interconnection  

2. Identify basic components and design of the CPU: the ALU and control unit.  

3. Compare and select various Memory devices as per requirement.  

4. Compare various types of IO mapping techniques  

5. Critique the performance issues of cache memory and virtual memory